Approve Document Revision


Use this activity to make final approval on the document revision. If approval steps have been defined for this document, all the steps in the approval routing have to be completed and approved before the document can be promoted to Approved status. Once approved, the document is finished and may be released.

When approving a large number of documents, it will be performed as a background job when a specified limit is exceeded. When the number of documents is less than the specified limit, you can select whether it should be performed as a background job or not. The minimum number of documents for which the system automatically creates a background job depends on the information specified for the LIMIT_NORMAL_STATE_CHANGES default value in basic data. One background job can handle only up to 1000 documents and as a result the number of background jobs will depend on the number of selected documents. For example, if we are going to approve 1050 documents at once, two background jobs will be created (automatically) when we approve.


When documents are being approved through a background job and the following prerequisites are not met for a document, that particular document is ignored and the rest of the documents are approved.

System Effects