Create New Document Title and Revision


This activity is used to register a new document title and to enter a value for the first revision of the document. You can also define the document as a structure document. Once this document is registered, you can then create new sheets and new revisions for it. Note that when a document defined as a structure document does not support the creation of new sheets. 

Document Class, Number Generator Type and Document Number - The procedure for creating a new document is affected by the number generator type assigned to the document's class. The number generator types are Standard and Advanced. To use the Advanced document number generator to generate a document number, set the value of the Number Generator field in the Document Class Management/Document Default Values page to Advanced. During the creation of the document, you can determine the number generator value assigned to the document's class. After defining a value for the Document Class field, either Standard or Advanced is inserted into the Number Generator field based on your document class' defined number generator type.  

Number Generator field set to Standard - To give your document a specific document number, manually enter a value in the Document Number field. Otherwise, a value is automatically generated and inserted into the Document Number field after the document is saved.  

Number Generator field set to Advanced - To use a document number from a booking list, use the List of Values in the Booking List field to select an appropriate value. If you do not use a booking list, number counters are used. A value entered manually in the Document Number field is overwritten.

Restricted Access option allows to hide the general information about the document. Unauthorized persons will not even be able to see that the document exists.

This can be performed in Document Titles page, Document Revision page, from Attachments, Create Document assistant and Drag and Drop operation.


System Effects