Define Object Types for Access Control


This activity is used to specify the object types that can grant access to documents. When these objects are connected to documents, the access given to the documents will be able to depend on the access specified on the objects. The Enabled option will be a way to enable or disable access through objects. When it is selected, objects of this type will control access. However, default access levels should also be specified in the Default Object Access Levels in order to make this functionality active.

It is important to note that, if an object is allowed to control the document access, it will not be the sole source of access for the document. The other ways to grant access is still available and getting access through the object is just one possibility for each particular document.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the enabled objects can be used to define access for documents. The first time this is done, if there are many objects of the specified type connected to documents, then this operation can take a long time. Each document that is connected to the particular object that is enable to control access will get a new access line, to be controlled through the object.

IIf an object type is disabled in this form, or if it is deleted, then all access lines on all documents that has objects of this type connectes will be deleted. This is also an operation that can take a long time to finish, since all object access lines will be deleted, for the particular object, for all documents that are connected to such objects.