Release Document Revision


Use this activity to release a document revision using the Release Document Assistant.  Assitant can be opened by changing the status to Release using the Status sub-command. One or more documents can be released at once from the Document Revisions. Documents can also be released automatically by selecting Save option in the On-Save Operations dropdown . If this option is selected when a document revision is created, and the required conditions met, the document is released upon saving.

When releasing a large number documents, it will be performed as a background job when a specified limit is exceeded. When the number of documents is less than the specified limit, you can select whether it should be performed as a background job or not. The minimum number of documents for which the system automatically creates a background job depends on the information specified for the LIMIT_NORMAL_STATE_CHANGES default value in basic data. One background job can handle only up to 1000 documents and as a result the number of background jobs will depend on the number of documents. For example, if we are going to release 1050 documents at once, two background jobs will be created (automatically) when we perform the release operation.

You can select Yes or No when asked if you want to set the old document revisions to obsolete. If you select Yes and then click Next, you open step Set Revisions to Obsolete of the assistant. If you select No, and then click Next, you avoid step Set Revisions to Obsolete and open step Update Object Connections of the assistant.

 you can determine which released revisions of the document should be set to Obsolete. You must have administrator access to the revision to be able to set a document revision to obsolete.  To set a released revision to obsolete, select the Set to Obsolete option for that document revision's row. Click Next to open step Update Object Connection.

 you can update object connections from the old document revisions to the new document revision by selecting the Replace option for that document revision's row. This means that the object connection will be removed from a previous revision and moved to the current revision based on the value in the Update Revision field:

Use the Select All Possible button to select the Replace option for all object connections which are possible to update on the document revision.
Use the Select Default button to reset the value of the Replace option for all object connections according to the default configuration.

If the number of connected objects is greater than the limit for object connections to display in the assistant (LMT_OBJ_CON_SHOW_WIZARD value in Document Default Values), you can select whether the default configuration should be used or whether all or none of the object connections should be moved.

If the option Keep/Move them according to the Update Revision value is selected, the connections will be moved according to the settings in the Update Revision field as given below.

If the option  Keep/Move them according to the Update Revision value, including fixed and unlocked connections is selected, all possible object connections will be moved to the document revision, except for the connections with following update revision type and connection status:


Set Access

In this step you give persons and groups access to the released document revision. When this step is opened, the Available Groups and Persons list is empty and it will be populated with existing persons names or groups names according to the radio button option you have selected. You have to specify a search condition when searching for persons or groups. The Has Access to the Revision list shows the groups and/or persons you have selected to have access rights to the document.

Select a person or group in the list and click Add to move it to the Has Access to the Revision (top list) on the right and give that person or group access to the released document revision. By default only view access will be given to the selected person or group. Removal of persons or groups from the list box can be done using the Remove button. Select a person or group in the bottom list on the right and click Enable to move it to the top list which displays all the users with access enabled for the document revision. Access can be disabled for the persons and groups in the top list by clicking Disable. It is also possible to enable all the disabled persons and groups.

In step General Information, the question if you want to set the old document revisions to obsolete only appears if  NO_OF_RELEASED_REVISIONS default value in basic data  is set to MANY. If NO_OF_RELEASED_REVISIONS default value is set to ONE, this question will not appear. A setting of ONE means that only one revision of the document can be released, and any released revisions will automatically be set to obsolete. NO_OF_RELEASED_REVISIONS is a system parameter and is configured during program installation. 

In the Update Object Connections step you can select whether the default configuration should be used or whether all or none of the object connections should be moved, only if the number of connected objects is greater than the number defined for the LMT_OBJ_CON_SHOW_WIZARD default value,

Note: Once assitant is open it has an Accept All Defaults option. If you select this option, you will release the document revision in a single step. If you do not select this option, you will proceed manually through the steps of the assistant. This is especially useful if you want to release more than one document.

Note: If the number of documents selected is less than or equal to the number specified for the LIMIT_NORMAL_STATE_CHANGES default value, the user is given the option to select whether the operation should be performed as a background job in the first step of the Release Document Assistant.


When documents are being released through a background job and the following prerequisites are not met for a document, that particular document is ignored and the rest of the documents are released.

System Effects