Create Reminder Proposal


This activity is used to create a reminder proposal. This involves specifying criteria for selecting invoices to be included in the reminder proposal e.g. currency and reminder template, and general data such as the reminder date. You can open/enter a new proposal even if another proposal exists. However, the same invoice or prepayment will not be loaded in more than one proposal at the same time. A proposal can be created only if at least one invoice is due for payment per the reminder date, i.e. per agreed terms of payment. Apart from the general selection criteria of the proposal and the proposal options, the reminder template on each invoice installment controls also whether the installment is loaded into the proposal. The include parameters and the reminder levels of the template are the decisive criteria to load the due item into the proposal. In addition the exclude parameters of the reminder template are used to load due items into the proposal with status Excluded in order to avoid to print reminders automatically for certain invoices, prepayments or payer. The reminder proposal calculates accrued interest on each invoice per the interest template if this option is also selected in the reminder template.

Reminder proposals can be created online or as a background job. You can also schedule a task to create reminder proposals at regular intervals automatically. A substitution variable can be selected for the reminder date which is replaced with a real date when the scheduled task creates a new reminder proposal.

To create a reminder proposal:


In order to perform this activity, at least one customer invoice that is due for payment must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, a reminder proposal is created. The status of the reminder proposal will be Created.