Print Reminder Proposal


This activity is used to print reminder proposals. The proposal printed is based on the criteria entered in Create Proposal for that specific proposal, which means that included and excluded reminder recipients and items will appear in the proposal. The proposal is grouped by reminder recipient, reminder template and currency. For regular customers, the reminder recipient is the customer or payer of the invoices included in the proposal (when the Send Reminder to Other Payer option is is selected in the Payment\Misc Payment Info tab). For a one-time customer, each invoice address ID is a separate recipient. The printout of the proposal provides information on status, recipient ID, recipient name, reminder template, template description and currency. The total amount due is printed separately for reminder items which will be included in the reminder printout and those items which will be excluded from the reminder printout. These totals are displayed per recipient, reminder template and currency calculated. There are also details of the individual items, such as item type, invoice date, due date, accrued interest, reminder level, invoice amount, and amount due.


This activity requires that a reminder proposal has been created.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, you get a printout of a reminder proposal.