Reprint Interest Invoice/Note


This activity is used to reprint invoices/notes that have already been printed. These invoices/notes can be reprinted as the original invoice/note, or as a new invoice/note by modifying the original.

Original invoices/notes can be modified and printed in four different ways; a modified version of the original invoice/note can be printed, a copy of the original invoice/note can be printed (the copy number with the appropriate text will be printed on the invoice/note), a duplicate of the original invoice/note can be printed (the text Duplicate Original will be printed on the invoice/note) or a duplicate of an invoice/note copy can be printed (the text Duplicate and the copy number with the appropriate text will be printed on the invoice/note).

The appropriate text that is printed with the copy number is specified in the Labels for Invoice Copies page.


It is required that an interest invoice/note exists which has already been printed at least once.

System Effects

The interest invoice/note will be printed as specified.