Cash Customer Check


The Cash Customer Check activity is used to report Checks received from customers that have been cashed. This applies specifically if the check was posted to a cash account when sent to the Payment Institute for cashing. As a basis for reporting, use the payment institution's confirmation that the Check was cashed. When the Check is cashed, a voucher is generated with postings to cash account. The status of the Check is changed to Cashed.


This activity requires that a customer exist, and Customer Checks have been entered.

If a check is included in a Check Cashing Proposal, the Check Cashing Report Proposal must be in Acknowledged status and the Check Cashing Report be Printed and sent to a Payment Institute for cashing.

System Effects

When the Cash Customer Check transactions is approved, the transit account (PP35) is credited while the cash account (PP1) is debited, and the status of the Check is set to Cashed.