Reverse Cashing of Customer BoE


This activity enables you to reverse the cashing of bills of exchange (BoE) without actually canceling them. In the Reverse Cashing of BOE dialog, you enter default data for the new difference items. You can enter a bank fee for the cashing reversal and you can enter a tax code if this bank fee is taxable. An instant invoice will be automatically created if you choose to charge your customer the bank fee. 

When you click OK in the Reverse Cashing of BoE dialog, the Matching dialog opens. It is populated with one line for each reversed BoE. You cannot modify data on the reversed bills, they are only displayed for information purposes. One new difference item for each reversed BoE is displayed. You can modify some data on these difference items. 


You can reverse cashing for only those BoEs that have a Settled state. 

System Effects

The BoEs will change from a Settled state to an UnpaidSettled state. The invoices included in the BoEs remain closed. The cash transaction is reversed (PP1). A new difference item is created for each BoE for which cashing is reversed (IP21). If the bank charges a bank fee, the amount is posted to on the bank fee account (PP4). In the case that the bank fee is taxable, the amount is calculated from the Bank Fee Tax Code field (PP51). 

You can include the difference items in new BoEs. 

If you choose to charge your customer on the bank fee amount, one preliminary instant invoice is automatically created for each customer. One invoice line is created for the bank fee for each reversed BoE.