Enter Additional Opportunity Discount


This activity is used to enter an additional discount to a business opportunity. The additional discount is valid for the entire opportunity and is added to any existing line discount. You can only enter a percentage value for the additional discount and the value cannot be negative or greater than 100%. The discount is distributed to the opportunity lines. The total opportunity line discount will be the sum of the group discount and the additional discount.

Additional discount can be entered at any time on the opportunity. However, the discounts will not be distributed to any opportunity lines with a Cancelled, In Progress, Won, or Lost status. Therefore, it is possible to have different additional discounts for different lines on the same opportunity, depending on which status the lines are in. If the opportunity is converted into a sales quotation or customer order, the additional discount will be automatically transferred if the Copy Prices and Discounts option in the Create Sales Quotation or Create Customer Order dialog is selected.


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