
Configuration Characteristics

Configuration characteristics define a product feature or attribute used to describe configurable parts. A configuration characteristic indicates how the attribute is expressed in terms of data. This data is used in both the front and back office configuration rules in defining and evaluating part configurations (see About Back Office Configuration Rules for back office rules, see About Sales Configurator for front office rules).

When entered in a configuration specification, characteristics are expressed in various ways: as numbers, a list of choices and as free text. Characteristics with value type Discrete Option indicate a finite list of possible values for the characteristic. For example, the characteristic COLOR might include discrete option choices of RED, BLUE and YELLOW. Characteristic values defined in the application represent the total possible range of values, shared by all parts that use the characteristic. Individual parts can further limit the possible discrete option values, but must be available from this list. Characteristics with value type Variable Value indicate that the characteristic can have a range of values. For example, the numeric characteristic LENGTH might include values from 2 to 200 centimeters. Alternatively, an alphanumeric variable value can be used to express free text for the configuration. Limits on the range of variable values are expressed as front office configuration rules.

After the configuration characteristics are defined, they can be grouped into a configuration family, which is a collection of configuration characteristics used by parts in the family.

Configuration Families

Configuration families represent a set of configuration characteristics and allowed option values used to group configurable parts. Configuration families must be associated with configurable parts before working with configurations for those parts. When defining the part configuration revision for a configurable part, you select characteristics and options from among those defined for the configuration family. This grouping helps organize the configuration characteristics relevant for use in a product line as both front and back office configuration rules are defined.

Configuration families are typically used to group a set of configurable sales parts sharing common configuration characteristics. Configuration families are also used to group configured subassemblies or purchased component used within the structure of the family. This is useful if a configured subassembly or component inherits characteristic values from the parent part. Because back office rule definition is also organized around the concept of a configuration family, subassembly or component characteristics that are derived from, but are not directly associated with, the parent's characteristics are also included in the configuration family. Configuration categories can be connected to each characteristic to the specific family. If setting Configure By Category is enaled, the characteristics will be displayed by category during configuration. Package characteristics and its component characteristics can be connected to a specific family. The component characteristics will automatically be added to the configuration when the package characteristic is added.

Configurable Parts

A configurable part represents one type of product variation within a product line. A configurable part itself has little meaning without specific configuration information.

A part must be defined as a configurable part in the Part page when it is created. Before working with a configurable part, you must first associate the part with a configuration family to establish the configuration characteristics used to describe this part.

The configured values for the part must be specified when you wish to work with a configured part in a quotation, sales order, manufacturing order, etc. For example, the Doors configuration family might contain the configurable base parts Exterior Doors and Interior Doors, each of which shares the characteristic Hinge Type. Base parts belonging to the same configuration family typically share common characteristics.

For inventory valuation of configurable parts, two methods can be used: Cost Per Part, where a single value is used for all configurations of a configurable part, and Cost Per Configuration, where a specific value is used for each configuration. Select either Cost Per Part or Cost Per Configuration in the Inventory Part Cost Level field on the Inventory Part page. Next, in the Interim Order Header or DOP Order page, calculate the cost and verify the results of the costing screens. Note that in costing, costs are presented as cost per unit, while on Interim Order and DOP Order pages they are presented as cost per order. Correct any parts with zero cost (found on the Logs tab on the DOP Header page or in the Result Log section on the Interim Order Header page). Then recalculate the structure. Finally, to save the standard cost, select Save Standard Cost on the Interim Order Header or DOP Order page. To save the cost amounts divided by the order quantities (cost per unit) on the Inventory Part Unit Cost page for the inventory part, use the default configuration ID (*), set the inventory valuation method to Standard Cost, set the supplier invoice consideration to Ignore Invoice Price, assign a configuration specification to the part, and set the inventory part cost level to Cost Per Configuration.

Configuration Part Specification Revisions

Configuration characteristics (or attributes), which are used to describe the configurable part, are managed via a revision handling and a date. This allows you to define versions of a part configuration revision in order to phase in new or changed product characteristics and option values over time. A part configuration revision can have the Tentative, Test, Released and Obsolete statuses.

Before working with configurable parts on a sales order, sales quotation, or other order, you must first associate the part with a configuration family. The first configuration specification revision is created by the system when you update the configuration family for the part. You can either copy all family characteristics and option values to the part or set them up manually. You can also create new revisions.

When configurations are created, the system always references to the configuration specification revision, which is in the Released status on the date required, to determine the valid characteristics for the configuration. If package characteristics have been added, the context characteristics also needs to be added to the same revision.

Part Configuration Revision Header

A part configuration revision header is where the part, family, status, revision, and effective date are defined.

The first part configuration revision structure header is automatically created when the family is connected to the configurable part in the Part Configuration Revision section on the Part page. The created part configuration revision automatically receives the Tentative status and can be found on the Part Configuration Revision page.

Status Description
Tentative A part configuration revision is created in the Tentative status and this is the default value. This status indicates that the part configuration revision is not yet available for use, and the base part characteristic is not available for use in IFS/Manufacturing or IFS/Planning.

All editable attributes can be changed and the Characteristics section may be changed at any time without restrictions.
Test A part configuration revision can be promoted to the Test status. This status indicates that the part configuration revision is not yet available for use, but is ready for test with sales rules if the revision has any sales rules connected.

All editable attributes can be changed and the Characteristics section may be changed at any time without restrictions.
Released All part configuration revisions promoted to the Released status are completely visible in the system and can be used to generate the characteristic items out of which a specific configuration can be created for selling, planning and manufacturing.

All editable attributes can be changed, the Characteristics section can be modified and the characteristic and characteristic options can be added as well as deleted.
Obsolete The part configuration revisions have been made obsolete and will not be available for use in IFS/Manufacturing or IFS/Planning. You can change to this status at any time. However, once done, it cannot be reverted. No updates of characteristics in the Characteristics section and/or attributes are allowed.

Part Configuration Revision Line Items

Part configuration revision line items in the Characteristics section represent the characteristics of which a part configuration revision is constituted. Each line item identifies a characteristic and its potentially selectable options. All characteristics connected to the part configuration revision can be used when creating a configuration. A part configuration revision line item can be identified as a mandatory or a non mandatory characteristic. All mandatory characteristics must be defined to be able to create the configuration, while non mandatory is optional. It is also possible to define default values for both mandatory and non mandatory characteristics and characteristic quantities.

Configuration Specifications

A configuration specification is defined as a list of characteristics/values, and optionally characteristic quantity, combinations for a base item. Each configuration specification is uniquely identified by a configuration ID, a system-generated number is used by the system to reference the desired configuration. Configuration values for the base item must be specified when you wish to work with a configured base item in a quotation, sales order, manufacturing order, etc.

When a valid configuration specification is created, the value combinations are compared to the other existing configuration specifications defined for the part. If an identical combination is found, the existing configuration ID is used. This allows the system to reuse configuration specifications, allowing the same configuration specification to be referenced by several orders.

Example of a configuration specification:

Part No: SPORTS CAR        Configuration ID: 205

Characteristic Value Quantity

Configuration Formulas

Configuration formulas allow you to define a mathematical expression to calculate numeric values used in either conditions or actions. Configuration characteristic values and quantities, combination table return values, as well as other formulas, can be used as values in the formula. 

A formula is defined by decomposing the mathematical expression to its basic elements: values, operators, and functions. Thus, a formula such as WIDTH * LENGTH is broken into three elements:

  1. Value for WIDTH
  2. Multiplication operator *
  3. Value for LENGTH

The system offers a number of different mathematical operators and common SQL data functions as part of the syntax. Formulas have a basic testing mechanism and a status to indicate whether they are ready for use in configuration rules (see About Back Office Configuration Rules).

Configuration Combination Tables

Combination tables allow you to define a matrix of possible configuration data combinations to determine return values based on matching values. Used in conditions, actions, configuration formulas and other combination tables. You can use configuration characteristic values and quantities, as well as formulas and other combination tables, as values for comparison in the combination table.

For each table, users first define from 1 to 15 combination factors involved in the table: for example HEIGHT and LENGTH. Factors can be of the following value types used in back office rules: characteristic values, characteristic quantities, formulas or other combination tables. The same factor can appear more than once in the combination table, if desired (this allows a BETWEEN capability, i.e., LENGTH > 10 and LENGTH < 20)  Users can only choose from among characteristics and formulas within the combination table’s family. Users can optionally specify a test value for each combination factor to be used when testing the table.

After factors are described, users can enter the data for the combination table. At least one factor must be defined in order to create a combination value. By placing factors into a sequence, the headings for the combination table values are created for data entry on the following tab. An example of a simple combination table is shown below.

Factory Type Factor Value Test Value
Characteristic Value COLOR RED
Characteristic Value HEIGHT 10

Once the above factors are defined, combination values can now be entered as shown below. Here sample values are defined for various combinations of COLOR and HEIGHT.  When combination tables are evaluated, the first line item where the combination values meet the evaluation conditions is considered a match, thus the Return Value specified is returned. For example, if the configuration evaluated had a COLOR = RED and a HEIGHT = 10, in the example below the value 500 would be returned for use in the back office configuration rules. If there is no match in the combination table, the optional Default Return Value is returned.

Sequence COLOR Operator COLOR HEIGHT Operator HEIGHT Return Value
1 = RED = 10 500
2 = RED = 20 600
3 = BLUE = 10 700
4 = BLUE = 20 800
... ... ... ... ... ...

The system offers a number of different comparison operators as part of the syntax. Combination tables have a basic testing mechanism and a state to indicate whether they are ready for use in configuration rules (see About Back Office Configuration Rules).