Copy Sales Rule


This activity is used to copy one sales rule or multiple sales rules from a part or a template of a given configuration family to a specified part, template or to multiple parts. It is possible to copy sales rules between:

When copying to multiple part configuration revisions, use '..' to handle multiple parts, i.e., 100..103, means the sales rules will be copied to the parts 100, 101, 102 and 103.  

When copying to a single part configuration revision, the system sets the latest tentative revision as default which can be manually changed to another revision if needed. When copying to multiple parts it is not possible to chose the revision and, in this case the sales rules will always be copied to the latest part configuration revision in the Tentative state.

The sales rule for a part configuration revision or a template to be copied can be selected in the Rules to copy section, and it is also possible to decide if the copied sales rules will replace all sales rules or if the copied sales rules will be added in the tree structure after or before the existing sales rules.

To copy one or several sales rules for a specific configuration family proceed with the assistant.

  1. In the Select Family step select the specific configuration family.
  2. In the Select Parts step select from which part configuration revision or template the copy should be made from and which part, template or multiple parts the copy should be made to. When copying to multiple parts decide which part configuration revisions the copy should be made to by enabling the Include setting in the Copy to Multiple Parts section. Sales rules are normally copied (re-used) to a part configuration revision in the Tentative status during the sales rules setup before they are released to be used for configuration. If you want to copy sales rules to a part configuration revision that is released, enable Allow Copy to Released Part Configuration Revisions. When enabled, the released part configuration revisions will be available in the list of values for the part.
  3. In the Select Sales Rules step decide whether the copied rules will replace existing rules, be added before existing rules or be added after existing rules. Also enable the Include setting for the sales rules that should be included in the copy in the Rules to Copy section.


System Effects

One or several sales rules are created and associated with a sales rule template and/or a part configuration revision, depending on if the copy is made to a base part revision or to a template.