Create Part Media Combination


This activity is used to define new part media combinations that will be used when configuring the Configuration page to display a main image. A part media combination is either connected to a configuration family defined in the Configuration Family page, or is based on a specific part and revision defined in the Part Configuration Revision page.

Combination factors that can be connected are characteristics connected to the configuration family. You can create different media combinations by using various values for the combination factors.

The following hierarchy is used to display the main image:

To define a new part media combination create a new record and enter configuration family and optionally also part and specific revision number. The chosen configuration family defines the set of configuration characteristics that can be used within this combination. Add new combination factors by clicking Select Factors in the Combination Values section and select the required configuration characteristic to use as factors in the Select Combination Factors dialog. The selected factors will be represented as new columns in the Combination Values section. Then create new items in the Combination Values section by selecting option values and combinations.

You can attach media items to the lines by clicking Upload Media Item on the Media tab for each line. You can also click Manage Media in the Media tab for each line and handle media items in the Media Library Manager page.

To test the media part combinations open the Test Part Media Combination dialog by clicking Test Combination. By setting test values in the Characteristic Value section you will found out what media is connected to that specific combination. As a result of the test, the connected media will be shown in the Selected Media Item section.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, different images can be used depending on how a configuration is created.