Use this activity to define specific control statements that will be used
when creating an output file to decide if generated transaction should be written
or not to the file. A control statement can be assigned the condition Skip
or Satisfy. Control statements can also be grouped together meaning that
all conditions belonging to one group are considered as AND conditions.
more than one control group is defined then following applies: <conditions_in_group_one>
OR <conditions_in_group_two> etc.
If an external file type consists of more than one record type then it is necessary to define control statements, making it possible to decide the record type that each file line is associated with. This in turn makes it possible to find the detail instructions to be used when formatting the output file line.
Data must have been defined in the Output Files tab in the External File Template page to be able to launch the External File Template Control page.
It is not possible to modify template control data for a system defined file template.
The control statements makes it possible to: