Create Accounting Period
This activity is used to create accounting years, accounting periods, voucher
number series, user groups per voucher series and user groups per period. When
using this function accounting years and periods will always be created while
voucher number series, user groups per voucher series and user groups per period
are optional to create.
- Per Year: Voucher number series will be created starting
with the year. If the checkbox Use Voucher Number Series Per Period
is selected in Company/Accounting Rules/General Data page it is not
possible to select Per Year.
- Per Period: Voucher number series will be created starting
with year and period. If the checkbox Use Voucher Number Series Per Period
is not selected in Company/Accounting Rules/General Data page
it is not possible to select Per Period.
- From Source Year: Voucher number series will be copied
as they are from the source year.
- Exclude: Voucher number series as well as user groups
per voucher series will not be created.
This activity has the following prerequisites:
- Accounting Year for the company included in the selection must exist.
System Effects
As a result of this activity:
- Accounting Year for chosen years will be created.
- Accounting Periods for chosen years will be created.
- Voucher Number Series for chosen years can be created.
- User Group per Voucher Series for chosen year can be created.
- User Group per Period for chosen year can be created.