Enter External Tax Reporting Information


This activity is used to create an external service provider for tax reporting and to enter the connection information. The tax information available in tax ledger can be shared with the service provider and tax reporting can be performed in their systems.

Refer IFS Connect for Integrating Generic Tax Output with Service Provider Rest Endpoints for more details on connecting IFS Applications with the external service providers.

When integrating with a service provider, if authentication response contains "token" instead of "access_token" the client id and client secret needs to be entered in this page. If authentication response contains "access_token" this client id and client secret should not be defined in this page. Instead, it will be retrieved from the routing address set up.

The tax information can be shared via JSON objects that can be created in IFS Tax Ledger. The header part of the JSON object is determined by the name-value pairs entered in the Header Information group. The order of the header information is determined by the sequence number. At least one header record should be created in order to generate a JSON object.


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects

As a result of this activity the external tax reporting service providers will be available in the system, their connection information can be used for the integration and header of the JSON objects will be created according to the header information setup.