Enter Tax Control Information


This activity is used to enter basic data to control the tax handling/functionality of your company.

The tax liability for the customer/supplier in combination with tax codes and how the Tax Code Validations are set up on your company IFS Enterprise/Company/Tax Control tab, determines which tax information to be fetched.

In IFS Enterprise/Company/Tax Control/General tab, you define on which level taxes shall be validated.

For customer tax validation, you select object level, address level or transaction level. If Object Level is enabled, it is required to enter tax information on sales items (e.g. sales object, sales part, non-inventory sales part, package part, sales charge type and report code for projects). If Address Level is enabled, it is required to enter tax information on page Customer, tab Address/Delivery Tax Information/Supply Country. If Transaction Level is enabled, it is required to enter a tax code on transactions (e.g. customer orders, sales quotations and various types of customer invoices).

For supplier tax validation, you select object level or transaction level. If Object Level is enabled, it is required to enter tax information on sales items (e.g sales object and purchase part). If Transaction Level is enabled, it is required to enter a tax code on transactions (e.g purchase orders and various types of supplier invoices). 



System Effects

As a result of this activity, the tax handling will be controlled by parameters defined for the company.