Activate/Inactivate Logical Units


This activity allows you to specify whether registered logical units (LUs) should be active in Company Template related processes.

By default, most of the logical units that support the company template concept are specified as active. The exceptions are:

Some reasons to set a Logical Unit as inactive are:

Note that some components are registered without having any Logical Unit details. This in order to support the Remove Company functionality that requires that the component is registered. The Remove Company feature is however not affected by the selection of active/inactive components and logical units. 

Also note that the Navigator Entry in a standard application executable, where basic data for a specific LU can be found and changed, is supplied for as many LUs as possible. This information can be used by localization or development teams to find out where in the application an LU can be located  when working with company template data for the specific LU.


A fresh installation or upgrade of IFS must have been made to a version where IFS/Enterprise supports the company template concept. During the installation/upgrade, each component that supports the company template concept will register component and logical unit specific information in IFS/Enterprise.

System Effects

The logical unit selection will affect the following processes:

Only active logical units in active components will be a part of the mentioned processes.