Modify Remove Company Info


This activity makes it possible to modify information related to Remove Company functionality.

All components in IFS that support Company Templates will register the component and component related information during a fresh installation or upgrade. This includes information on Logical Units in the components that support the Create/Update Company process, as well as information related to Remove Company. This information includes names of tables having Company as an attribute, as well as the column name in the table that holds the company value.

During installation, all registered tables of a component are indicated as system defined tables.

It is possible to add information in the Remove Company per Component window, i.e., add tables that are only specific for the current installation due to, for example, customizations.

Note that during an upgrade, all system defined tables will be removed and then replaced by new definitions. The non-system defined definitions are, however, never removed and must be handled manually.


A fresh installation or upgrade of IFS must have been made to a version where IFS/Enterprise supports Registration of Create Company related components, as well as handling of Company Templates.

System Effects

When the Remove Company option is performed in the Enterprise/Company/Companies window, then all registered components will be processed regardless if they are active or not. All registered tables will be processed and the contents deleted.

Note, however, that in a real company where more components than those related to IFS Financials are present, it is very likely that the action will fail due to built in logic, e.g., if a company has been linked to a site, then the company cannot be removed. The person performing this action is normally a system manager and the action must be confirmed more than once to avoid completing a non-controlled action.