Start Creation of Template
This is the last activity in the Create Company Template
The following actions are performed:
- Verify existence of the supplied company template
ID. If it exists, the activity will be aborted.
- Check if the company template ID is the same as
one of the reserved system company template IDs.
If it is, only the application
owner or a company template super user will be allowed to create a system
- The existence of the source company is verified.
- The processing is done per component, and the
processing order is determined from the relationship between component and
parent component as defined in the
Component Registration
window in IFS/Enterprise. Note that only active components and active logical units
will be a part of the process.
- Within a component, the processing order of Logical
Units is determined from the Execution Order as defined per component in
the Component Registration
window in IFS/Enterprise.
- User related data is retrieved from the selected
company template or from the source company.
- A template with the following structure will be
- A template header with an ID and description
according to the input.
- Components with associated versions. The current
version is retrieved from the component registration information.
- Logical Units per component.
- Detailed data per Logical Unit.
- When data for a Logical Unit is created, corresponding
translations are also created in the translation framework. Translations
are created for all languages present in the source company.
- The Company Template ID and Source Company
ID must have been defined.
- The method for handling user-related data must
have been defined.
System Effects
When the process is completed, a new company template
will be available.