Fault Report

Use the Fault Report to report an internal, maintenance related problem. A machine operator can for example use the fault report to log a problem with a molding machine. On the fault report you can enter information about what object ID the problem is related to, who is reporting the problem, a description of the fault and which maintenance organization the fault report should be assigned to. If the object ID is not known by the person entering the fault report it is important that a detailed description of the object is entered on the fault report, so that the correct object id can be found and added to the work order at a later point.

On the fault report you can also enter information about how the fault was discovered, by selecting a discovery code and symptom code. In addition you can give the fault report a more extensive description, and define a priority code to indicate the urgency of the problem.

When saving the fault report a work order with a unique number is created. The status of the work order will be Fault Report. You can navigate to  Prepare Work Order to further prepare the work order, or add additional information.

Fault Reports are used in IFS/Maintenance.