Object properties are automatically loaded in to the application based on the components that are installed. The following tables list a set of object properties that are used in IFS Maintenance and IFS Service Management.
Property Name | Description | Possible Property Values |
AUTO_AUTH_SIGN | Display the authorizer's signature automatically for personnel lines. | TRUE or FALSE |
AUTO_AUTH_SIGN_EXP | Display the authorizer's signature automatically for expense lines. | TRUE or FALSE |
AUTO_AUTH_SIGN_EXT | Display the authorizer's signature automatically for external lines. | TRUE or FALSE |
AUTO_AUTH_SIGN_TOOL | Display the authorizer's signature automatically for tool-and-facility lines. | TRUE or FALSE |
CONNECTION_TYPE | Defines which connection type should be set as the default connection type when creating new work orders. | EQUIPMENT, CATEGORY, VIM, LINAST or TOOLEQ |
DEF_AUTH_SIGN | The signature that should be displayed by default. | E.g., SYS i.e., a valid user identity. |
DEF_TASK_STEP_STATUS | The default value for the Work Task Step Status field of work orders generated from PM Group/Merge. | PLANNED, NOT DONE or DONE |
DEFAULT_CALENDAR | Set value for default calendar used in a Maintenance Organization. | Calendar to be used. Default *. |
DEPENDENCY_SEP | Defines the symbol that can be used to separate the dependencies per work task. | Comma (,) or hyphen (-) |
DIS_PLAN_SCH_WO | Determines if all planning dates on a work order should be automatically calculated when a service contract is added, or not. | TRUE or FALSE |
ICON_DIRETORY | Determines the location of the icon directory. | <Enter the location of the directory> |
INHERIT_OBJECT_ID | Determines if the identity of the child object inherits the identity of the parent object as a prefix in an object structure. If this property is set to TRUE the parent object identity will -by default- be appended to the child object's identity upon saving (only applicable for functional objects). The two identities can be separated using the OBJ_LEVEL_SEPARATOR. | TRUE or FALSE |
ISOLATION_CHANGEDATE | Determines if the following dates can be changed once the status of the isolation order is set to Preparation Approved or Establishment Started: Planned Establishment Completed, Planned Re-establishment Started and Planned Re-establishment Completed. | TRUE or FALSE |
MANUAL_EXPENSE | Determines if vouchers can be created for manually entered expense lines. If this property is set to NONE, no expense transactions are created. If this property is set to BOOKING, expense transactions are created. | BOOKING or NONE |
MANUAL_EXTERNAL | Determines if vouchers can be created for manually entered external lines. If this property is set to NONE, no external transactions are created. If this property is set to BOOKING, external transactions are created. | BOOKING or NONE |
MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS | The maximum number of results that should be retrieved into Allocate Resource. | A numeric value. |
OBJ_LEVEL_SEPARATOR | The symbol that can be used to separate the parent and child object identities if INHERIT_OBJECT_ID is set to TRUE. | Comma (,) or hyphen (-) |
PERIOD_DISTR_METHOD | Determines what method should be used for period allocations on service contracts. Use Proportional to allocate the amount according to the exact number of days that falls into each period within the date interval. Use Even to allocate the amount evenly between each period within the date interval, regardless of the number of days in each period. Use Mixed to allocate the amount according to the exact number of days that falls into each period which is not completely covered by the date interval, e.g. the first and last period. All periods completely included in the date interval are allocated evenly, regardless of the number of days in each period. | Proportional, Even or Fixed |
PERMIT_CHANGE_DATE | Determines if the Valid To date of a permit can be changed once the status is set to Preparation Approved or Released. | TRUE or FALSE |
Determines if the regeneration of condition-based forecast PM plan upon entering a measurement for an object will be run immediately (ONLINE) or as a background job (BATCH). The flag “Plan Out of Sync” in the PM Action/Condition tab will indicate the user, when the condition based forecast PM plan conflicts with the latest measurement recorded for the object. However, when the condition based forecast PM plan is in conflict, it will not be allowed to generate Work Orders from the PM Action which is affected and the following information message is shown for such attempts; "Condition Plan is in-conflict with the latest recorded measurement. Regenerate the maintenance plan". |
PM_DEF_TASK_STATUS | The initial status of work order/work tasks generated using PM actions. All work task statuses up to Released are allowed. If a property value is not entered or an invalid value is entered, work tasks will be generated in the New status. | NEW, UNDERPREPARATION, PREPARED, or RELEASED |
PM_NONINV_LEAD_TIME | Internal time (in days) for handling a purchase. Used to calculate if purchase requisitions should automatically be created or not. | Number of Days |
PM_PLAN_HORIZON | The limit up to which a PM Plan can be generated. | A 4 digit number representing the year e.g., 2007 |
PM_PROG_REV_CONTROL | Determines if newly created PM Programs will have revision control handling enabled or not. Value TRUE will turn the revision control on and value FALSE will turn the revision control off. | TRUE or FALSE |
PROJ_UPDATE_METHOD | Determines if the project cost should be updated directly (ONLINE) or in the batch (BATCH). | ONLINE or BATCH |
SC_INV_PLAN_METHOD | Decides whether the option "Generate Invoice Lines for Preview..." in Service Contract page will be run instantly or as a background job. ONLINE means instant generation of invoice plan detail lines. BATCH means a background job for the generation of invoice plan detail lines. The following information message is shown if it is decided to run as a background job. "The execution will be started as a background job. Once the job is finished you can preview the lines." | ONLINE or BATCH |
SLA_CONFIG | The precision setting of SLA times that should be displayed on Service Request. If this property is set to MINS, seconds will not be considered, else time is displayed to seconds precision. | MINS (default) or SECS |
SRVCON_DOC_OUTPUT | The document text that should be displayed in the customer order once a service contract (or service line) is invoiced. | Any value (e.g., DOC_123). Note: the value you enter has to be included as the output type in Document Text Administration/Output Types. Add document 4 (Customer Order Confirmation) as the document type. |
SRVCON_PERIOD_ALLOC | Determines if periodic allocations should be enabled for service contracts, or not. | TRUE or FALSE |
SRVQUO_DOC_OUTPUT | The document output type in order to create document texts when creating revenue transactions for maintenance orders. | Any value (e.g., DOC_123). Note: the value you enter has to be included as the output type in Document Text Administration/Output Types. |
TASK_TEMP_REV_CTRL | Determines if newly created Work Task Templates will have revision control handling enabled or not. Value TRUE will turn the revision control on and value FALSE will turn the revision control off. | TRUE or FALSE |
WEEK_FORMAT | Enter how weeks should be displayed in the application when generating PM actions or defining a start week for a PM action. | E.g., |Y|W |
WO_DOC_OUTPUT | The document output type for document texts on work order. E.g., Work order invoicing. | System default value is WO but can be changed to any other value. To be able to print document texts when invoicing a work order, the document 4(Customer Order Invoicing) and 5 (Credit Invoice) have to be added in Document Text Administration/Output Types tab for this out put type. |
PART_CERT_DOC_CLASS | The default document class to use when manually storing approved part certificates in IFS Document Management. | <Enter the valid document class> |