Define Workflow Configuration


The Weight defined on a configuration determines which configuration is applied when there are multiple valid configurations. Weight is applicable only for configurations types Work Task and Configured Work Task.

Use Filters page to define the filter criteria for the configuration applied to Work Tasks in mobile device. The filter parameters can vary based on the selected Configuration Type.

For configurations types Work Task and Configured Work Task, Exclude Task Leader is a filter that can be used to differentiate  Task Leader from  other assignees when there multiple assignees working on the same task. For e.g. Report In page can be enabled only for the Task Leader while it can be made hidden for other assignees when applying a workflow configuration.

If the same workflow configuration has to be applied to both Task Leader and other assignees, two workflow configurations have to be defined with same conditions with filter criteria and Weight defined as given below.

For Configuration defined for the  Task Leader :

For Configuration defined for other assignees :

Once the configuration header is created, actions that are valid for the selected configuration type are fetched and listed in Actions page. All actions are enabled by default. Select the actions that need to be hidden using the Use option.
Enable Mandatory option if the actions should be mandatory to perform on a task.

In the EForms page, enter Maintenance Surveys that need to be triggered for the selected configuration type. Maintenance surveys with a Workflow Type valid for the selected configuration type and in Published status can be added here. If multiple EForms are defined , they will be presented to the technician according to the Rank defined in each EForm.

Actions Flow page is enabled for Configuration Type Configured Work Task. Define the required sequence of actions here if those actions need to be performed in a particular sequence in IFS Mobile client.
Maintenance Surveys are enabled for certain actions such as status change and eForms. If connected , these surveys are triggered on the event defined in the workflow. Select a termination value for the survey from drop down if required .
Active Assortments can be connected to material related actions and Active Integrations to Integrations action respectively.
Set the Mandatory flag to make a certain action in the workflow mandatory to perform.

Access page is enabled for Person Resource type configurations. Enter the Person Resources together with Sites and Maintenance Organizations here. The configuration gets applied to those Person Resources in their mobile devices. Leave the Person Resource field blank to apply the configuration to all Person Resources in a  Maintenance Organization.

All active configurations are synchronized to IFS Mobile Client upon activating the device.



System Effects

As a result of this activity, relevant actions are enabled according to the configuration applied in IFS Mobile client. If any Maintenance Surveys are connected, those will be triggered according to the configuration. If a configured workflow has been used, user will be guided through the sequence of actions defined in the configured workflow.