This is not an end-user activity but an activity that is performed during a fresh installation or upgrade. The purpose is to describe how the basic data translation is initiated.
When IFS Application components are installed, either through a fresh installation or upgrade, then as the last part of the installation process, basic data will be defined using so-called ins-scripts. The basic data is required to make the current version of the components work properly. Normally the following will happen when such a script is executed:
Note that the only entries in the translation database that are affected are the ones with the "PROG" language code. Each attribute to be translated is required to have a "PROG" entry, which will be registered in each Logical Unit during installation.
As a second step during the installation phase, the basic data translations, as well as all other server related translations are defined. All these translations are stored in the component specific srd-files, e.g., Accrulen.srd, contains Server Runtime Database translations for Accounting Rules for the language "en". Depending on how the installation kit has been built, translations in one or more languages will be defined.
Note that if a translation already exists, the following will happen:
After the installation the following can be done: