Items described here are only valid if general characteristics are used. All things described here are about characteristics for objects and technical classes. Different things you can do here are:
Here you can search for technical classes, for which you want to connect any attributes. Those attributes can, either be numerical or alphanumerical. Technical classes you can search for, must earlier have been entered as basic data in the Technical Classes.
Here you can enter both new technical classes and new technical attributes. When you enter a new technical attribute, you also have to specify if it's a numeric or alphanumeric attribute. The attributes you enter here, can you later on connect to a technical class.
Here you can search for a technical class, for which you want to view all connected objects. For each object connected, you can see the names of the logical units for the object types. A column will be created for each attribute connected to the technical class, showing the values from the attribute description columns.
This is a Wizard containing five steps where you can search for objects in a technical class, corresponding to entered search criteria.
Here in the first step you can search for a technical class, for which you want to search after related objects.
Here in the second step you can view all alphanumerical attributes connected to the technical class you searched for in the Wizards first step. You can also select suitable values for the attributes you want to use as search criteria.
Here in the third step you can view all numerical attributes connected to the technical class you searched for in the Wizards first step. You can also select suitable values for the attributes you want to use as search criteria.
Here in the fourth step you can select an object, for which you want to see all attributes with values, from the list of objects that have fulfilled any of your search criteria. For each object, you can also see the share of the search criteria fulfilled.
Here in the fifth step you can view all attributes with values for the object, marked in the previous step.