Add/Edit Explanation Variables

[To Demand Planning]


Use this dialog box to add/edit new explanation variables. You can define the variable as:

Activity Diagrams





This window contains:

OK: Closes the dialog and creates/commits the explanation variable .

Cancel: Closes the dialog without creating or committing the explanation variable.

Access: Opens the access part of the dialog where you can which parts that should have access to the explanation varaible.

Name: Enter the name for the explanation variable.

Based on forecast part: Check this if you want to base the explanation variable on a forecast part/group already in Demand Planning.

Auto Refresh in Create Forecast: This will make the explanation variable to automatic be updated with the new forecast from the connected part/group when the create forecast job is ran.

Part No: The part no to connect the explanation variable to, set it to All if you want to connect it to a group.

Flow: The flow id of the connected part/group.

Group 1..n: Group connections of the group you connect to the explanation variable. Group selections that is not to be considered should be set to All

Season Profile: Season group to the group, set it to All id season profiles should not be considered.

Classification: Classification to the group, set it to All id classification should not be considered.

Unit Code: Select the unit code you want express the group/part in when converted to explanation variable.

The fields above only opens when you push the access button.

Inherit Access from Group: The check box that indicates whether the explanation variable will be visible (usable) for all the parts in the system. If selected, the variable is visible for all parts; however, you can narrow down the parts for which this variable is visible by selecting other check boxes in this dialog box. If this check box is not selected, the explanation variable will be available only on the group parts (which will be either all groups, if no groups are selected, or a specific group defined by other check boxes).

Flow: When selected, the explanation variable will be visible on parts only in this flow. If the Inherit Access from Group check box is selected, the explanation variable will be visible for all group selections and parts in the current selected flow. If Inherit Access from Group is not set then the explanation variable will only be visible for all group selections in the current selected flow. See the Select Flow Toolbar.

Part: If both this check box and the Flow check box is selected, the explanation variable will be visible only on the current part in the current flow. If the flow check box is empty, the explanation variable will be visible only on this part for all flows. Inherit Access from flow have no effect when this check box is selected. 

Group fields: Depending on the setup of the Demand Planning Server and the group selected,  there can be 1 to 8 different group fields in which you either can limit the access of the explanation variable to the selected group or you can inherit the explanation variable for all the different parts belonging to the group as well as the group itself. The Inherit Access from group check box determines whither the explanation variable should be accessible on the parts or not. The Flow check box decides if the explanation variable should be accessible on this flow only (checked) or on all flows.