Select Season Profile Toolbar

[To Demand Planning]


Use this toolbar to aggregate parts according to season profiles. Once a profile is selected, the whole GUI is set to group mode. All parts connected to this profile are aggregated and the profile is displayed in the Season Profile Graph and the Season Profile Table. The toolbar also may be used to create new season profiles, delete existing season profiles, and to save changes made to existing season profiles. A detailed description of season profiles may be found in Season Indexes. You can delete, change, and create new profiles on both the item and group levels.

Toolbars may be turned on/off in the View/Toolbars menu.

The width of the cells can be modified by dragging the line that separates the cells in the header. The rightmost cell can be modified by dragging its right edge.

Activity Diagrams





wpe23.jpg (777 bytes) Open Opens the Season Profile combo box.
wpe5.jpg (800 bytes) New Creates a new season profile.
wpe6.jpg (802 bytes) Save Saves the current season profile.
wpe2.jpg (774 bytes) Delete Deletes the current season profile.
Best Fit Season Profile Used to make a search, for the best fitting season profile, among the profiles in the library for this part. The best profile match is placed in the current season profile field so the profile is used only for the current period forecast. (It is not set in the std season profile field). PS. if this doesn't return any profile if there are no profiles that are a good match. For details for how the matching is done, see Season indexes. (Matching of Profiles)


This window contains:

Season ID: The identification code for the season profile.
Description: A description of the season profile.