Manage Inheritance Rules


The parameters such as Seasonal Profiles, Weekly Profiles, Period Profile and Holiday template have to be defined for each flow/part combination to achieve a good system forecast. One way to achive this is to set these parameters for each flow/part combination manually or to manually copy these down from several flow/group combinations down to each individual flow/parts. This approach will demand a lot of manual work when new parts are added to the system. To reduce this manual work involved with setting these parameters, an inheritance model can be used to determine a parts right profiles (Seasonal Profiles, Weekly Profiles & Period Profile) and holiday template. The Inheritance function means that when a new part is introduced to Demand Planning the part will get Seasonal Profiles, Weekly Profiles, Period Profile and Holiday template inherited based on the group or group combinations that the new parts belongs to. Inheritance rules defines what parameters to inherit for any given group / group combination.

The flow ID field in the tool bar sets which flow you want work with, the table below will show the all the inheritance rules that exists for the selected flow id. The table has all selected group fields defined for the demand plan server pluss the classification field. The combination of these fields are used to define an inheritance rule, all parts matching the combo will get the profiles and the holyday template inherited down.

Dominant group / Flows

The most dominant group is Group 1 and which will be followed in descending priority by Group 2, Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 and Group 6 respectively. See Demand Plan Server setup. If you have set up Inheritance ruels for both Group 1 and Group 2, a part that is member of both groups will inherit the profiles set on Group 1, since it has higher rank.

Combined flows as also a rank number connected to them, the flow with the higest rank number will be choosen over a flow with a lower rank number, if both have equaly matching group rules.

Creating Inheritance Rules

Creating inheritance rules is done in the Inheritance Rules table. The Flow ID in the command bar is the flow id that you should inherit from. When changed the selected flow id's current inheritance rules are sown in the table.

Element Description
Group 1 The first selected group from the Demand Plan Server setup this group have the highest rank. If you select this group all parts that belong to this group will inherit the profiles you set on the group.
Group 2 The first selected group from the Demand Plan Server setup this group have the second highest rank. If you select this group all parts that belong to this group will inherit the profiles you set on the group.
Group 3 The first selected group from the Demand Plan Server setup this group have the third highest rank. If you select this group all parts that belong to this group will inherit the profiles you set on the group.
Group 4 The first selected group from the Demand Plan Server setup this group have the fourth highest rank. If you select this group all parts that belong to this group will inherit the profiles you set on the group.
Group 5 The first selected group from the Demand Plan Server setup this group have the fifth highest rank. If you select this group all parts that belong to this group will inherit the profiles you set on the group.
Group 6 The first selected group from the Demand Plan Server setup this group have the sixth highest rank. If you select this group all parts that belong to this group will inherit the profiles you set on the group.
Classification This is the classification field computed for all forecast parts and it can also be used as a source for inheritance.
Season Profile The season profile to be inherited down to the parts.
Period Profile The period profile to be inherited down to the parts.
Weekly Profile

Moveable Holiday

The weekly profile to be inherited down to the parts.

The moveable holiday to be inherited down to the parts.

A match of two or more group combinations will be selected as inheritance source before the rules that only include one of the groups. For example, part belonging to group 1  [A] and group 2 [1] will get match on the inheritance rule G1 [A] and G2 [1] if you have the following inheritance rules defined for the flow :

  1.  G1[A]
  2. G2[1]
  3. G1[A] and G2[1]


System Effects

Inheritance Rules are added, edited or deleted in the Inheriance Rules libary.