Activity Print Product Journal Report


Use this function to print the Product Journal report. This report provides an overview of the journal entries for part revision(s) specified in the report conditions. This report is available in Landscape format.



System Effects

Product Journal Report Fields:

Field Group Description
Part Number Heading Part number identifier for the subsequent revisions.
Part Name Heading Part name.
Description Heading Description of the part
Revision Detail 1 Part revision identifier.
Released Detail 1 If available, date when the part revision was released.
Obsolete Detail 1 If available, date from which the part revision was obsolete.
Active Detail 1 If available, date from which the part revision was active.
Line Detail 2 Journal line, descending order.
Date Detail 2 Date of journal entry.
User Detail 2 The ID of the user who created the entry.
Development Level Detail 2 Development level at the time of the journal entry.
Category Detail 2 Journal entry category.
CO Detail 2 Reference to Change Order ID.
Journal Text Detail 2 Actual journal text.

NOTE: All conditions must be fulfilled for the products in the report to avoid specifying conflicting conditions that result in a report with "no data found."