Calculate Best Maintenance Levels for Maintenance Events


This activity is used to calculate the maintenance levels which would efficiently cover the maintenance events included in the work scope. The best ones are chosen in terms of the maintenance levels which will expose fewer parts but still be enough to expose all the components which have events connected to them.

This activity can be performed at any level of the maintenance overhaul object structure.

To calculate maintenance levels, click Calculate Maintenance Levels Best for Events in the Define Work Scope page. In the dialog that opens, enable the given option if you want to retain the current settings. If this option is enabled, the positions with maintenance levels which provide sufficient exposure of parts will be left as they are after the calculation. The other positions will be assigned to the best maintenance levels. If you choose not to retain the current settings, all the positions included in the calculation will be assigned the best maintenance level without any consideration about their current setting.

Verify the results in the tree navigator and in the Work Scope - Part/Assign Mx Level tab.


System Effects