Change Work Scope


This activity is used to change and release the work scope when new maintenance events (modifications or LLPs) are transferred from IFS/Fleet and Asset Management and the work scope is already released and when an interim order structure is created for the maintenance overhaul object (work order part). There are several cases when these late work scope changes are necessary.

If new events are transferred after the interim order structure is released and shop orders are created then the new events also needs to be approved. This approval will set the status of the events to Added. The Added status is used to distinguish these new events from the previous ones that are in the Original status after the release of work scope.

To include maintenance events to the work scope, refer the activities Evaluate and Add Modification Events to the Work Scope and Evaluate and Add LLP Events to the Work Scope. Once the required events are included, you need to investigate of these events will affect the released work scope. Information on the included events can be viewed in the in the Define Work Scope/Work Scope Mx Events tab and/or the Define Work Scope/Work Scope - Part/Affected Part Mx Events tab. You can also check for affected parts in the Assign Mx Level tab.

Following can be done for the changed work scope:

Note: Re-releasing the work scope effects only the interim order structure. You must re-release the interim order structure to propagate any changes to the supply shop orders. Generally, you re-release because you need to either increase or decrease the work scope. Where the interim order structure has not been previously released, both increases and decreases to the work scope are permitted. In this case, a re-release of work scope simply deletes and re-creates the interim order structure.

However, where the interim order structure has been fully or partially released, work scope increases are not always permitted. In these cases, the status of the supply shop orders determines if work scope reductions can occur. If the supply or parent supply shop orders are in Released or Reserved status, work scope reductions are permitted. If the supply shop orders are in the Started status or after, work scope reductions are prohibited. In this case, a message will appear, and you will need to adjust the maintenance levels for the work scope, and re-release it. You can view any errors in the Log Details tab.

If an error occurs during the re-release of a work scope, the interim order structure will not being updated at all. For example, if three maintenance level changes are made, all of which reduce work scope, and one of these changes generates an error, none of the changes in the interim order structure will be made. When errors occur on a re-release, the maintenance levels in the work scope will not match the maintenance levels associated with the interim order structure. This is something you should correct manually, to keep the work scope and interim order structure in sync.

When a work scope re-release occurs without errors, the interim order structure will contain a combination of new and changed interim orders. You must release these new and changed interim orders to create new supply orders or modify existing ones.

You can also verify the changes in the interim order structure and corresponding Assembly, disassembly, and disposition shop orders.


System Effects