Check On Exposure Modifications


This activity is used to generate a list of valid On Exposure modifications that are included in a customer modification baseline. Ideally, this activity should be performed during the work scope definition process, in order to evaluate which On Exposure modifications should be included in the work scope as per the defined maintenance level settings. Note: Depending on the agreement with the customer, you may need to obtain customer approval before including an On Exposure modification to the work scope.

The following conditions need to be fulfilled before an On Exposure Modification is determined as valid, and the corresponding record is displayed on the report:

When you initiate the work scope definition process for your customer and overhaul object, you need to specify maintenance levels that expose the affected parts for these pre-defined set of events. As a result of this, you may now need to evaluate if the additional On Exposure modifications should be included in the work scope. An On Exposure modification can contain a number of affected parts in which the assigned part is included.

The list of valid On Exposure modifications is generated based on the parts in the expected serial structure that will be exposed by the current maintenance level settings. Since the actual parts to be serviced are not known until disassembly, this list will include On Exposure modifications that are defined for both the prime exposed part and all valid alternates. It is recommended that you analyze this report, and perform necessary adjustments on the work scope, before the work scope execution phase is to begin.

The On Exposure Modifications report can be printed from following pages:

The following actions need to be performed when On Exposure modifications are to be included in the work scope:

  1. The relevant modifications must be added to the work scope. For more information, refer the activity Evaluate and Add Modification Events to the Work Scope. Once the modification is included in the work scope, it must be approved. To do this click Approve All (under Maintenance Events) from the header of the Define Work Scope page.
  2. You may need to adjust current maintenance level settings for the work scope, so that the parts affected by these On Exposure modifications will be exposed. For more information refer the activities Calculate Maintenance Levels from Baseline and Assign Maintenance Level.
  3. When the maintenance level settings are adjusted, it could expose different parts for which On Exposure modifications have been defined. Therefore, the Check On Exposure Modifications activity should be performed once more. It is necessary to perform several such cycles till no new On Exposure Modifications are revealed, after which you can re-release the work scope and initiate the work scope execution phase.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, required modifications are included and the maintenance levels are adjusted to expose the relevant parts.