Evaluate MRO Interim Order Structure Costs


You can use the Costs tab to evaluate estimated and actual costs associated with the complete interim order structure. You can evaluate level and accumulated costs cumulatively up to the top level in the order structure. You can calculate estimated costs for interim orders in the order structure, as long as the structure state is not Canceled. As repair interim orders are connected to the interim order structure, or as work scope changes occur, for example specifying a different maintenance level, the estimated costs will change.

Once the supply shop orders have been released and reporting on disassembly has occurred, you can also calculate actual costs. The cumulative costs for the interim order structure are calculated using a conventional cost rollup for both disassembly and assembly structures based on the cost bucket definitions.

Both the estimated and actual costs are shown by manufacturing level and accumulated by part. The variances between estimated and actual for level and accumulated cost are also shown. The costs are broken out by cost bucket, with a sum total at the bottom of the page. The summation provides an overview of the costs and variances for the entire interim order structure.


You need to have executed the Calculate Costs command for the interim order structure header.

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