Enter Forecast History Percentage


This activity is used to enter the weighted percentage that each year of operational history should be given when running forecasting calculations. The weighting is entered in a percentage of which part of each year should count when performing the calculation. This weighting is entered for three years and for two years of operational logging history. IFS Cloud defaults (during installation) to predefined percentages. You can change these default values, but the total must always equal 100.

Since the forecast is considering historical data, the first year is the most recent complete year of historical data. In other words, if the year is 2020, the system would see the first year as 2019.  

You need to give a high percentage to the years that best compare to how you will utilize your fleet in the future and a low percentage to the years that do not match.

Note: If you have only one complete year of operational history, this will always be weighted at 100 percent.



System Effects

As a result of this activity forecast calculations can be performed.