Define Base Value Configuration



This activity is used to define the base value configuration for the Work Planning and Scheduling Dataset.

Base value can be assigned to work tasks using Work Type, Object Criticality, Priority and/or Event. This setup is done in the Work Planning and Scheduling Dataset level. The goal of the whole scheduling solution is to achieve maximum overall value. This means tasks with higher values, derived using the dataset base value configuration, get prioritized in the scheduling process. Default base value will be assigned to work tasks that do not fulfill any of the defined base value criteria. Base value is defined "per hour" basis on Work Planning and Scheduling Dataset. Hourly base values for different Work Types, Priorities, Object Criticalities and/or Event are defined by enabling relevant tab in Work Planning and Scheduling Dataset page.


Work Planning and Scheduling Dataset Configuration:

  Per hour Base Value
Default 20000
Work Type = 80 30000
Priority      = 1 50000

Work Task Configuration:

Work Task No.  Duration Work Type Priority Resulting Task Value
1100 1     20000
1200 1 80   30000
1300 1 80 1 30000 + 50000 = 80000
1400 2 80 1 2*(30000 + 50000) = 160000

In this example data, Work Tasks 1300 and 1400 have the highest probability of getting scheduled and Task No 1100 has the lowest probability.



System Effects