Update PM drop percentage by Latest Finish


This Activity is used to regulate the urgency in scheduling the PM Action. It is achieved by adjusting the PM drop (%) defined on the Work Planning and Scheduling Dataset. The default PM drop percentage is 0.5%. PM drop (%) value will be overridden by Event drop (%) if the PM Action calendar plan line is based on an Event Period.


System Effects

When the PM drop (%) is high it gives a high incentive to schedule PM Actions as soon as possible( to be able to be scheduled as soon as possible, having a relatively high base value is important. Otherwise PM Actions may get unscheduled). Since PM Actions are preventive pre-planned work, general recommended to use a lower PM drop (%) value.


Below graphs illustrates how base value drops within 10 days for the same PM Action when two different PM drop (%) are applied.

Earliest Start : 1 - December

Latest Finish : 10 - December

PM drop 0.5%

Figure 1


When the PM drop (%) is low, the value drop is minimal with time. Hence PSO has the capability to push work to a later day and allow other important work to use early time slots.

PM drop 30%

Figure 2

When the PM drop percentage is high, the value drops rapidly with time. Hence PSO has to schedule it in earliest possible time slot to preserve the value.