Measurement Inheritance

Registering same measurements for many different objects is a very time consuming task for the users. Measurement Inheritance gives the possibility to define an equipment object as a master object for measurement registration. This inherits the measurements as well as meter related activities from the master to the child objects that have a test point and parameter referring to the master object. Thereby, the users can update multiple measurements at the same time for different objects. Inheritance is not restricted to the same functional hierarchy. The master object can be any equipment object outside the hierarchical structure of child objects. Therefore, the availability of parent and child object relationship (Belongs to Object) is not mandatory for measurement inheritance. Inheritance works in a single direction (Master to Child) and always consider a single level.

In order to facilitate inheritance, the master object can be defined in the Update from Object field in the relevant parameter line of the child object. It is done on Testpoints/Parameters tab in the Functional Object or Serial Object page. Once the master - child relationship is defined, all the measurement and meter related activities on master for the particular parameter inherit to the child. For limit and condition type parameters, it inherits the full measurement values and for accumulated type parameters, the child object inherits the incremental value (delta value) from the transactions of master object. The child object may or may not (dummy meter) have an actual meter on it. The existance of an actual meter is identified by the meter setup. Therefore, meter setup is mandatory for both master object and child object if they have actual meters. In case of having an actual meter in the child object, it takes the child meter values into account when an inheritance is done.

The measurement types Master Meter Setup, Recorded Reading, Master Meter Change, Master Meter Roll Over and Master Reading Incorrect are inherited from master object to child object.

Inherit Master Meter Setup

A record with measurement type Master Meter Setup is created on the child object when master's meter is setup. If there is a meter setup performed on the child object, the latest valid values of it's own meter are displayed in this record. If there is no meter setup performed on the child object, system identify it as a dummy meter and the same master meter setup values are displayed in this record.

Inherit Master Meter Recorded Reading

A record with measurement type Recorded Reading is created on the child object and for accumulated type parameters, delta value of master meter reading is inherited while the full value of master meter reading is inherited for limit and condition type parameters.

Inherit Master Meter Change

A record with measurement type Master Meter Change is created on the child object and the delta value generated corresponding to the end value of the old meter is inherited to accumulated type parameters while the end value of the old meter is directly inherited to limit type parameters.

Inherit Master Meter Roll-over

A record with measurement type Master Meter Roll Over is created on the child object and the delta value generated corresponding to the master meter roll over value is inherited to accumulated type parameters.

Inherit Incorrect Master Reading

If a valid reading recorded on the master is incorrected, measurement type of the corresponding inherited Recorded Reading on the child is updated as Master Reading Incorrect and the latest valid values of the child are displayed on the record. If an invalid reading of an accumulated type parameter on the master is handled with Manage Preliminary Reading assistant and set as incorrect, a record with measurement type Master Reading Incorrect is created on the child object and displays its own latest valid values. If the user has given the corrected value, another Recorded Reading is created on child object with the inherited delta value.