Move Serial Object


This activity is used to move a serial object from one site to another site or to a different equipment structure in the same site. A serial object is not located in a fixed place in the equipment structure, but resides only temporarily in one place. This can be performed in Serial Object page using Move/Copy button, choosing Move Serial Object option.

Serial object is moved to a new site if the values are given for the Company and Site in the Move Serial Object dialog. Additionally user has an option to specify the equipment structure that the serial object moved to by using the Change Belongs to Object option in the dialog.

Once the new site is added user has the option to create new PM revisions for the existing PM actions in the moving Serial Object/Objects and the values added in WO site and Maint Org will determine work order site and maintenance organisation of the new PM revisions created once the serial object is moved to the new site

Serial object can be moved to a equipment structure without changing the site by using the Change Belongs to object without specifying a site.

If the moving serial object has test points/parameters defined on it, it is possible to register the current measurement by the time of the move using Register Measurements option. Additionally, it is possible to define, modify or remove the Update from Object value on the parameters, if those should change after the serial object is moved. Once the measurements are entered or Update from Object value is modified, the Apply command needs to be selected in order to register and save them.


Note - Serial Object will simply move to the new site without a belongs to object if the Change Belongs to Object option is not chosen when moving to a new site.



Move Serial Object to a new site

Move Serial Object to a new equipment strucuture in same site


System Effects

Move Serial Object to a new site


Move Serial Object to a new equipment strucuture in same site