Compare Estimate


You can view the similarities or differences between two top items, the Comparator and the Comparatee, for the same or different; estimate id, revision and version with regards to work scope, cost, markup and responsible person. It is possible to view the entire structure or just the item that matches the included filter parameters and the selected view option.

The comparison for work scope is made concerning items and/or operations for a level. The comparison for cost and markup is done concerning the result of the estimate cost calculation. Differences and equals between the cost element figures can be examined.

The comparison is made for the work scope and for each row you may analyze the cost differences and item differences, including operations. Rows are marked as follows:

Note: It is possible to compare one item of the estimate tree structure at a time and it is not possible to add, update, or delete information.


This activity requires that at least one estimate revision is created with two versions, both versions shall be in the Calculated status or higher.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system enables to view similarities and differences between two items for the same or different; estimate id, revision and version with regards to work scope, cost, markup and responsible person.