Investigate Cap Exceeding Non Routine


This activity is used to investigate the non routines that have exceeded agreed on contract cap values. If a heavy maintenance contract is connected to a maintenance event and the planned material and resource demands on a non routine maintenance event exceed the free cap values defined on the heavy maintenance contract, commercial approval is required before the non routine event can be released.

The Non Routine Revenue Analysis page can be used to find the non routine events that require commercial approval as well as to investigate,

This page consists of three sections:

When the non routine event is created, the non routine approval status is initially set to Not Started. Once task cards are included and the non routine event is set to Under Preparation, a calculation is triggered to identify if cap values are exceeded or not. If the cap values are exceeded, commercial approval, i.e., customer approval, is required. At this time, the non routine approval process can be initiated if there is an integrated non routine quotation flow (e.g., a business process integration or BPA flow that creates a non routine quotation based on the exceeded cap values).

Note: If changes have been made to the resource and material demands of a non routine after it has been set to the Under Preparation status, it is recommended to use the Recalculate option to recalculate the cap values for the non routine event before initiating the commercial approval process.

If the customer approves or rejects the non routine quotation, the status of the non routine approval can be changed to Approved or Rejected. This status change can be done,


System Effects

If the non routine event is approved:

If the non routine event is rejected: