Report Operation


This activity is used to register the actual usage of serials, recorded either as part of ground maintenance tests or post maintenance check flights. Often these testing activities have specific data recording requirements, such as, temperature at different operating ranges, flight control travel and fuel consumption. These requirements need to be recorded and made available to engineering personnel, as required. The specific aspects of each ground maintenance test activity or post maintenance test flight are often recorded on company specific test sheets and provided to operational and engineering personnel alike as source information for analysis and confirmation that a part can still meet its certification requirements.

Loggings are based on a start and finish date and the defined operational parameters for the part. Operational loggings can be reported for events that have occurred provided that the operational loggings are sequential. When the test results are recorded on company specific data sheets, these can be attached to the operational log of the part by using the Attachments panel. For more information on operational loggings, refer to the activity Report Operational Loggings.


System Effects