Register Entertainment Expense Codes


Use this function to define entertainment expense codes and these Expense Codes will be used in the Expense Sheet when entering the entertainment expenses. Expense codes entered in this section are divided into two categories based on the value in the Availability column. Expense Codes with the type Entered by User are available to the user in the Expense Sheet while Expense Codes with the type Calculated by System are used by the system to calculate entertainment expenses into i.e. deductible and non-deductible amounts. 

An example: Users need an expense code to register expenses from a dinner event where customers where entertained. Since only parts of the total amount is deductible and allows for a Tax return, the amount registered by the user needs to be split into two other expense codes, one for the deductible amount and one for the non-deductible amount.


Before you can enter Entertainment Expense Codes, you have to create an Expense Rule. If the amounts registered to the expense code should be transferred to a payroll system using the payroll interface, you need wage codes as well. 

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the user will be able to register an entertainment expense in the Expense sheet after the basic data set up in the Entertainment/Entertainment Expense Control section is completed.