Add Attachment on Fault


As a line technician, you can add attachments such as pictures and videos to a fault to allow engineers and supervisors to view the damage to the aircraft and help troubleshoot the fault. 

As a supervisor, you can also attach documents such as troubleshooting manuals or steps to follow, to help a technician diagnose or fix problems.

You can add an attachment to a fault from your mobile device when you are offline or online. To add an attachment from your mobile device, on the Fault Details page, click on the Attachment (paperclip) icon, click Add, and proceed to select a file or take a picture. In the Document Class field, select MM DOC and click Save. To add an attachment to the fault from the web application, in the Attachment panel, add a new document. Drag and drop your attachment or browse to locate the required attachment on your computer and at minimum, select the document class as MM DOC and click OK.

Note that after selecting to add an attachment from your mobile device, you can take a picture directly from your device or attach an existing one. To add video as an attachment, you must record the video beforehand and browse for the file to add it as an attachment.

You can also remove an attachment if a different attachment should be attached or the current one is invalid and should be removed. To do this, you can detach the document from the web application on the Documents tab in the Attachment panel. Once the attachment is detached from the web application, the document is detached from the mobile application as well. Note: Adding attachments to tasks is not yet supported.


System Effects