Check Out Tools/Equipment for Mobile Maintenance Work Task


Use this activity to check out tool and equipment that is required to execute the mobile maintenance work task.

On the Check Out Tool/Equipment for Mobile Maintenance Work Task page the tool/equipment demands can be filtered out based on different dimensions. For example, by using this page the tool/equipment demands can be filtered out based on different dimensions. For example, by using the Assignee field and selecting the Person ID of a technician, it is possible to identify the tool/equipment demands needed for him/her to perform the assigned tasks.

The check out of tool/equipment can also be done from the Task Details page.

Once the required tool/equipment demand is selected, you can use the Check Out option to select the tool/equipment to check out, the person to whom it should be checked out and the estimated time for usage and return.

If a tool/equipment has been allocated prior to the check out, that tool/equipment is defaulted in the Check Out page, but can be changed to another tool/equipment if needed.

Note: If security checkpoint is enabled, sign off is required when checking out tools and equipment.


System Effects