Inspect Work
You can inspect steps on a task that a technician has marked as awaiting
To inspect work click on Record Work on the Task Details
page in the Mobile Maintenance application.
Multiple steps can be inspected at a time.
On inspection, you can view the actions taken on the steps awaiting inspection
and accept or reject the work accordingly. Provide a note to accept or reject
the work.
If you are working in the Mobile Maintenance native application,
you must provide a comment to reject the work.
You can use the assigned YubiKey as part of the signoff process for inspect
work creating an immutable digital signature associated with the action. These
actions can be executed on your iOS device (both online and offline) or a desktop.
The digital signature is stored against the task or fault and can be viewed
at any time.
Note: If you are signing without Yubikey authentication,
there is an alternative signoff process using the Finish option.
- The status of the task must be In Work.
- The status of the step in the task must be Awaiting Inspection.
- You are not the line technician who marked the step as awaiting
inspection. If you are working on the Mobile Maintenance native application, you
must not be the assignee on the task.
- If you are using digital signature to sign off on the deferral, the application user should be registered with a valid
public certificate to use IFS signature service in Solution
Manager/Signature Service.
- If you are not using a digital signature to sign off, the E-Sign option
must have
been disabled from the Signature Service User Permissions
System Effects
- If the work was accepted, the status of the selected steps changes to
Completed. You can choose to complete the task, if all
steps were completed on inspection, or have a returning technician complete
the task.
- If the work was rejected, the status of the selected
steps changes to Pending. A returning technician cannot
complete the step but only set the status of the step to Partial
or Awaiting Inspection.
- The step note added during inspection is displayed in Actions Taken
against the step or steps it was made on with an action type of Inspection.
- If the signoff was handled using digital signature flow, the signed
document can be viewed from the Aircraft Turn Details