Review Fault to be Deferred


As a maintenance operations controller, you can review the faults for which deferrals have been requested by line technicians.

On the Faults to be Deferred page, the faults are ordered in descending order of their requested dates. On the Faults to be Deferred page, you can also navigate to the Fault Details page to view fault details and review the suitability of the fault to be deferred.

A fault is also no longer displayed on the Faults to be Deferred page, once it has been fixed or deferred by a technician using the Mobile Maintenance applications.


Your system administrator must have added you as a user for the MM_MAINT_OPERATIONS_CONTROLLER permission set.

System Effects



  1. On the Maintenance Operations Controller lobby page, click on the link on the Faults to be Deferred counter, or using the IFS Cloud Web navigator open the Faults to be Deferred page directly.
  2. To view fault details, click Details to go to the Fault Details page, review the fault and come back to the Faults to be Deferred page.