Define Anonymization Method
This activity is used to define how data will be anonymized. The page allows
for separate anonymization of text, dates, and numbers. One of the methods can
be selected as a default one. It will be used when no other method is selected
for anonymization.
In the Text Anonymization Mode select how text values will
be anonymized.
Following modes are available:
- Fixed Value - text from the Text Value
field is used to replace the original text value. E.g. if the Text
Value is set to ***, and the original text is
Moore, it will be changed to ***
- Replace All Characters - text from the Text
Value field is used as a pattern to replace all characters of the
original text value. E.g. if the Text Value is set to
*, and the original text is Moore, it
will be changed to *****
- Leave First Character - works similar to the
Replace All Characters mode but the first letter of the
original text value remains unchanged. E.g. if the Text Value
is set to *, and the original text is Moore, it will be
changed to M****
There are no prerequisites.
System Effects
As a result of this activity, methods of data anonymization will be defined.