Enter Resource Crew


Perform this activity to enter crew resources into a crew group. This can be done either by entering the crew to the crew group in the New Resource Group assistant, the Resource Details page, or Service Resource Details page, or alternatively by connecting the crew group to the crew in the Resource Crew page. A crew can only be connected to one crew group.

Once the crew is connected to a crew group, resource capacity from the crew can (depending on the settings in the capacity information) be rolled up to the crew group. It is also possible to plan the crew group for work and to allocate the crew.

Note that it is currently only possible to plan crew groups and allocate crews on work tasks in Asset Management, in Service Management and in Service Quotations.


The crew group and crew must exists.

System Effects

When the crew has been connected to a crew group, it can be allocated to work and contribute to the capacity calculation of the crew group.