Media Library

General Information

Media library is a generic solution for storing media items attached to IFS business objects. Media items in the library may either be images, text descriptions, audio or video files. The images can also be used in reports that get printed. Items in the media library can be connected to certain IFS business objects such as part and inventory part, through configuration by an administrator.

Media Items

Media items are entities that holds certain information about an IFS business object. This information could be stored either as an image, a text, audio or video file. Each media item can be connected to several IFS business objects, as there may be standard texts or images that are relevant to many products or other IFS business objects. A media item can be created in theMedia Item and Media Library Manager. When a media item is set to Obsolete, it will not be displayed in the system or be printed on reports.

Media Item Type

The media item type can be either image, text or audio.

Supported File Formats:

In the case of texts, the maximum size of a text file can be attached is 8,000 bytes.

Media Item Repositories

Media items can be stored in the database (repository type "Database") or in the cloud media storage (repository type "File Storage Service"). The media item repository can be defined in System Definitions/Object Properties for the Object LU, MediaItem and Property Name, REPOSITORY. Enter the Property Value as DATABASE or FILE_STORAGE depending on the repository you wish to store the media items. If this field is empty, the media items will be stored in the database by default. This setting will only affect the media items created after the setting is changed.

You can move media items between the two repositories using the Transfer Media screen.

Media Library

An IFS business object can consist of one or more media items. A collection of such media items is referred to as a media library. Therefore, a media library can originate from any IFS business object which has been configured to connect media items.

Media items are added to the media library through theMedia Library Manager. A media library can be created in two ways:

  1. By clicking Manage Media on the Attachments when the required IFS business object is shown as the active page.
  2. From the context menu item Manage Media Library. The availability of this context menu item is limited to certain IFS business objects.

The media library header is automatically created with the relevant value in the Connected Object Source (e.g., PartCatalog, ConfigCharacteristic etc.) and a respective description is also displayed with some additional information based on the properties of the connected IFS business object.

A media library can be viewed/modified in theMedia Library Manager, where you can either create new media items or copy existing media items to a collection.

Each media library can have one image set as the default image.

Attaching Media Library to an IFS Business Object

IFS business objects can be configured to create media libraries for its' records using the Object Connections. Media items attached to a certain IFS business object can be configured to appear in another page by configuring in the Object Connection Transformations. This can be done only by a person with database administration rights.

Media Items in Reports

Media items can be printed on reports once configured to do so. Customer order confirmation and sales quotation reports are examples of such reports. Printing of media items in reports can be controlled either in theMedia Library Manager or in the respective IFS business objects. For example, the print settings for customer order confirmation and sales quotation reports are available in the following:

  1. Sales Basic Data/ Sales Print Controls
  2. Media Library Manager
  3. Media Library Manager/Print Details

Media Archive

The Media Archive is a container for media items used in IFS Cloud. The user can configure storage of media items in a location outside the database. When archiving is enabled, a scheduled background job will scan the database for media items that has not been accessed for a user specified number of days and archive the media items. New or replaced media items will be archived to the active archive. Depending on customer preference, archiving can be done in Azure Blob Storage or Oracle File Storage.

Use Media Archives to create a new archive record providing storage specific data. Test and set the new archive to Active. User can create any number of archives and one archive will be active at any given time. Archived media items can be accessed from all media archives even if they are not Active during the time of access.

Use New Database Task Schedule to schedule the task Archive Media Items by providing values for scheduling parameters.

Please refer to the technical documentation for further information on how to configure this functionality. You can access the technical documentation by navigating in to IFS Cloud Technical Documentation page / IFS Administration & Configuration Guide / Data Management / Data Archiving / Large Volume Media Archiving