Industry Lobby KPI Definition page provides the framework to calculate KPI measurement according to a user defined formula using workflow. It is also possible to view KPI calculation measurement history and navigate to the relevant lobby datasource in the Datasource Designer as well.
The formula can be designed using the Workflow page in the Workflow Manager. To learn how to create workflows, consult the technical documentation by following this path: Tailoring Guide / Workflows / Industry Specific Configurations / Industry Lobby KPIs
Refresh Calculation command in Industry Lobby KPI Definition page can be used to schedule the measurement calculation task. This command will open Calculate Measurement Assistant where the parameter values for the defined parameters can be set. When needed, the frequency of the scheduled task, and the date interval can be set there. After clicking the finish command, the measurement calculation scheduled task will be created. This command will be enabled only when workflow Process Key is defined in Measurement Configuration.
Measurement Configuration command will take the user to the Measurement Configuration page where the parameters for the KPI can be created. Up to five parameters per KPI can be configured there. Along with that, the Process Key of the created workflow can be connected to the KPI from this page.
Navigate to KPI Primary Source Page command will navigate the user to the relevant Aurena client page. This command will be enabled only when the path to the Aurena client page is defined in the KPI Primary Source Page field in Details section.
Navigate to Lobby Datasource command will navigate the user to the relevant Datasource in the Datasource Designer. This command will be enabled only when the Datasource Id is defined in the Lobby Datasource ID field in Details section. Datasource Id can be fetched from the relevant datasource in the Datasource Designer.
In Details section of the page, Industry Lobby KPI Group and Industry Lobby KPI Value Driver can be selected.
In Formula section, the calculation formula for the KPI and how it uses the filter parameters can be described.
In Calculation Overview section of the page, the history of the measurement calculations can be viewed.
The KPI calculation workflow needs to be defined in the Workflow Manager.
The created workflow needs to be deployed.
The datasource needs to be defined in the Datasource Designer.
When required, Group and Value Driver need to be defined.
Refresh Calculation command will be enabled only when workflow Process Key is defined in Measurement Configuration.
Once the Calculate Measurement is completed, a scheduled task will be created.
After the scheduled task is run, the calculated measurement will be inserted in the Calculation Overview section as a new record.
The latest measure will be reflected in the Last Measurement field in the header section.
Navigate to KPI Primary Source Page command will be enabled only when the KPI Primary Source Page path is given in the Details section. It will navigate user to the relevant Aurena page.
Navigate to Lobby Datasource command will be enabled only when Lobby Datasource ID is given in the Details section. It will navigate user to the relevant Datasource in the Datasource Designer.